Franchising a Ghost Kitchen / One Kitchen

Ghost Kitchens is One Kitchen
everything you need, in One Kitchen!

Our goal is to have a kitchen every four miles in every major city in North America. Countless concepts/menus to customers across the continent within thirty minutes.


Franchise a Ghost Kitchen

Operate multiple brands in one location for both eat-in and take-out with less staff! Become part of the most innovative restaurant business plan today.


Ghost Kitchens is One Kitchen

We operate both under the Ghost Kitchens and One Kitchen banner - allowing you to choose what is best for your market.

Sell Dozens of International Brands. Invest in only One Kitchen.

Out of one single store, we run many different menu concepts that customers see as different restaurants when they order online via food couriers. Ghost kitchens, also known as virtual kitchens, have cropped up in increasing numbers across the world in recent years.